
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Fishing, Swimming, Riding Motorcycles and Golfcarts

I was just thinking that I really haven't said much about all the things I love to do when up at the Lakes. My parents have two cabins up there that I spent every summer of my life in. So, as you can imagine, tons of my best memories are from summers in those beautiful little cabins. When we were young, we didn't have anything up there like we do now. No electricity, no running water, no bathrooms * an outhouse, so it was truely primitive. It's only been in the last few years that my parents got electricity and bathrooms. Still and all the place really hasn't changed much. Everyone that goes there spends their time swimming and fishing, water skiing, jetskiing, riding every imaginable thing with wheels, telling stories , playing cards, and eating really too good. When I'm there in the summer, I spend a lot of time floating on the lake, swimming, fishing every night. Now that we've built this house, they'll be plenty more than play for us to do when we're there. But , being out in the middle of the woods, right inbetween two lakes, even work is pretty much a pleasure. I'm getting more and more excited about leaving next week. I leave wed night the 7th . It's going to be cold though, brrrrrrr!!!! and hey everybody, Leave Comments! don't be shy!! I really do hope to get ideas from people on here :)

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